She is my miracle child. Without knowing it, she introduced me to Jesus before she was ever born.
When I was pregnant with her I had the Alpha-fetoprotein test to check for birth defects. She tested positive for Downs syndrome. We were sent to genetic counseling where they advised us to abort her. We were told we would end up in divorce, overwhelmed with financial obligations and burdened for the rest of our lives with a child who would never live on his or her own. We were devastated and confused. We went home to think over our options. It was the scariest time of my life.
I was not a christian at the time and I believed it was a women's right to choose. I was not raised in church and didn't know how to pray aside from "Now I lay me down to sleep". We were terrified. I didn't know what to do or who to talk to. Through a series of events over the next few weeks, God showed His face to us. A friend offered for us to come to her church where they would pray with us. And pray they did. They wept while praying over me. They cried out to God to heal this child I was carrying. I felt such peace when I walked out of those church doors. I didn't know what the future would hold. I didn't know if she was healed. I didn't know if she would be born with Down Syndrome.
But I will tell you what I did know ~She would be born. She had a right to life. God created her and only He would decide what would happen to her. Wes and I would stand together and face life together with our child...with God. We found out the next day that the test was wrong. Our baby was a perfectly healthy little girl. Praise God we didn't listen to the Doctors. Praise God people were bold enough to share their faith with us. Praise God that we listened.
13 years later... We have a wonderful, sweet, healthy daughter.
She loves to read... she will read for hours at a time. She takes a book with her everywhere and tries to sneak in a page or two whenever she can. She can't read in the car though~ she inherited car-sickness from her dad.
When she was a little girl she thought she was an animal. She ran/walked on all fours (even in public). At Wes' graduation from the University of Georgia, she was on all fours telling everyone in the VERY CROWDED auditorium not to step on the horsie!
She has a servants heart. She loves to bake, clean, organize, babysit, and cook for us. She just loves to help. Often, she will offer to babysit so Wes and I can go out to dinner alone.
When she was little, she was so shy that she didn't want people looking at her. Whenever people said hello~ she would say, "Don't look at me!" and hide behind me. Soon, everyone learned to say hello without looking at her!
She loves music and she has a beautiful voice. She listens to her Ipod ALL the time!
She wants to be a stay-at-home-wife and homeschooling mommy one day.
I worked for the first 3 1/2 years of her life and she was lucky enough to have her Mammie and Papa in Georgia to spoil her rotten!
She adores her dad and loves to spend time with him. They will spend hours watching boring movies and shows together.
She is compassionate ~ Many nights she has sat up with her brother or sisters while they were scared or sick. She never wakes us up, she just comforts them and prays with them.
She is funny. She loves to laugh.
She loves hanging out with her friends and cousins but she prefers to be at home with her family.
She is always the first one to offer words of encouragement or a compliment when someone is feeling down. She sees the good in people and reminds them of their good qualities. I love this about her.
She has integrity.
She was born on her dad's birthday.
She has a quiet strength. God must have known she would need it with triplet sisters. Instead of being jealous of the attention they get, she is proud and happy for them.
I am already dreading the day she leaves home. I don't know what I will do without her. I want to keep her here with me... forever.