About Me

My photo
I am a homeschooling mother of 5 beautiful children and a wife to one amazing husband. We have a fun life ~ full of laughs and surprises. I pray that through this blog that we will encourage you, make you laugh, and bring joy to your day.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Madison~ Our first blessing from God

Madison is our first child~

She is my miracle child. Without knowing it, she introduced me to Jesus before she was ever born.

When I was pregnant with her I had the Alpha-fetoprotein test to check for birth defects. She tested positive for Downs syndrome. We were sent to genetic counseling where they advised us to abort her. We were told we would end up in divorce, overwhelmed with financial obligations and burdened for the rest of our lives with a child who would never live on his or her own. We were devastated and confused. We went home to think over our options. It was the scariest time of my life.
I was not a christian at the time and I believed it was a women's right to choose. I was not raised in church and didn't know how to pray aside from "Now I lay me down to sleep". We were terrified. I didn't know what to do or who to talk to. Through a series of events over the next few weeks, God showed His face to us. A friend offered for us to come to her church where they would pray with us. And pray they did. They wept while praying over me. They cried out to God to heal this child I was carrying. I felt such peace when I walked out of those church doors. I didn't know what the future would hold. I didn't know if she was healed. I didn't know if she would be born with Down Syndrome.
But I will tell you what I did know ~She would be born. She had a right to life. God created her and only He would decide what would happen to her. Wes and I would stand together and face life together with our child...with God. We found out the next day that the test was wrong. Our baby was a perfectly healthy little girl. Praise God we didn't listen to the Doctors. Praise God people were bold enough to share their faith with us. Praise God that we listened.

13 years later... We have a wonderful, sweet, healthy daughter.

She loves to read... she will read for hours at a time. She takes a book with her everywhere and tries to sneak in a page or two whenever she can. She can't read in the car though~ she inherited car-sickness from her dad.

When she was a little girl she thought she was an animal. She ran/walked on all fours (even in public). At Wes' graduation from the University of Georgia, she was on all fours telling everyone in the VERY CROWDED auditorium not to step on the horsie!

She has a servants heart. She loves to bake, clean, organize, babysit, and cook for us. She just loves to help. Often, she will offer to babysit so Wes and I can go out to dinner alone.

When she was little, she was so shy that she didn't want people looking at her. Whenever people said hello~ she would say, "Don't look at me!" and hide behind me. Soon, everyone learned to say hello without looking at her!

She loves music and she has a beautiful voice. She listens to her Ipod ALL the time!

She wants to be a stay-at-home-wife and homeschooling mommy one day.

I worked for the first 3 1/2 years of her life and she was lucky enough to have her Mammie and Papa in Georgia to spoil her rotten!

She adores her dad and loves to spend time with him. They will spend hours watching boring movies and shows together.

She is compassionate ~ Many nights she has sat up with her brother or sisters while they were scared or sick. She never wakes us up, she just comforts them and prays with them.

She is funny. She loves to laugh.

She loves hanging out with her friends and cousins but she prefers to be at home with her family.

She is always the first one to offer words of encouragement or a compliment when someone is feeling down. She sees the good in people and reminds them of their good qualities. I love this about her.

She has integrity.

She was born on her dad's birthday.

She has a quiet strength. God must have known she would need it with triplet sisters. Instead of being jealous of the attention they get, she is proud and happy for them.

I am already dreading the day she leaves home. I don't know what I will do without her. I want to keep her here with me... forever.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Well, it is official. We found a new home for Skittles (the hen/rooster).

I stopped over at my friend's house and she was more then happy to take Skittles off our hands for us. The only problem is that she wouldn't be keeping him in her flock.

She was willing to take him and turn him into a chicken salad sandwich! GASP!

Don't judge, people. You do realize that the chicken you buy at Kroger used to be alive, right?

But I am with you. I know that chickens were created to feed us but it was sad to think that Skittles would be... you know... boiled, grilled or pan fried and placed on someones table. I was totally getting the vegetarian movement sweeping our nation. Skittles was a sweet little hen turned rooster.

He was Kennedy's pet. The sweet little chick she used to carry around. The sweet little chick that pooped on her hand one time. Ewwww... but like a true mother, she loved him still.

I "chickened" out and couldn't go with the family to deliver him to his final resting place. I lied to my sweet children and told them that Skittles was going to a new farm to live a happy life. I tried to justify my lie by telling myself it was for the best. What they didn't know wouldn't hurt them...right?

The guilt was killing me. One lie soon turned into more when they started talking about the possible life he would lead. They had such high hopes for the little guy. They even talked about wanting to visit him one day. GULP...

The time came... Andie scooped him up in her arms, they climbed into the back of Wes' truck and off they went.

Goodbye Skittles! Kennedy sit down!

They came home all excited... Mrs. Beth told them he was going to live at a new farm with other chickens.

Oh no... the guilt... now other people were pulled into my lie. Then Wes told me the wonderful news. Skittles was indeed going to live on a new farm.

Beth decided she couldn't eat Skittles. She used her chicken connections and found someone who was looking for an Easter Egg-er rooster (chicken breed that lays blue and green eggs) and they wanted our Skittles.

So all is well... Skittles gets to enjoy a happy life. A dream life for a rooster... he will enjoy getting piggy back rides from all the hens on his new farm.

and better yet... I ended up not being a big fat hypocrite every time I tell my children that a lie is a lie no matter how big it is!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I have good news and bad news

OK, I have good news... and bad news.

Which would you like first? Ok, ok, ok, let's start with the good news.

The good news is.... Our egg factory is in business~

That's right, we found 2 eggs in the nesting boxes today when we went out to feed the chickens. 2 eggs!

We were very excited. We were all so proud of our hens and cheering like new grandparents. I think we were just thankful that we now have at least 2 confirmed hens!

I know what you're thinking, " Those sure are small eggs!" or maybe, "2 eggs won't feed 5 hungry children!" but it's a start... give us time. I have confidence in us. Plus, I already stopped at Beth's house today and asked her why our eggs were so puny! Beth is my resident chicken expert and she assures me that the eggs will get bigger as they lay more.

So hopefully, in a few weeks, we will all be eating eggs for breakfast!

NOW... On to the bad news...

Skittles, our most beautiful chicken, is officially a BOY!

Yep, that's right. He is a rooster. Ewwwwww!

Kennedy, our girlie-girl, and owner of Skittles is devastated! She has suggested that we sell him and buy her a rabbit. As you can tell ~ she is crushed!

We should have known he was a rooster. He had the most beautiful coloring out of all of them. We used to just sit and admire how much prettier he was then the others. I guess like the peacock, he needs all those beautiful colors to attract the ladies.

Although that doesn't make much sense now does it?

If you think about it, the rooster to chicken ratio is pretty good at most farms. ~ One rooster to an entire FLOCK of hens ~Sounds like he is the wise one in that equation.

Thanks to Google, we had hope that he/she might still be a hen even though the cocka-doodle-doos were getting louder every day. Google claims that hens do crow~ which might be true ~BUT...

We saw some disturbing activity today that proves that you shouldn't believe everything you read on the computer. Skittles is not a hen. He is most definitely a boy...

We saw him getting a piggy back ride on one of our hens. Yep, he went all the way to 4th base. Ewwwww! Definitely a rooster!

I have to go now ~ I need to flush my eyes with Holy water...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Andie~ my sweet girl

Andie~ or Andie-girl, as she is affectionately known, is my third child but the oldest of the triplets.

When I was pregnant with them, she was the baby at the bottom. She laid patiently in the same spot and watched as her 2 sisters fought to be on top. 8 years later and nothing has changed!

She was the last one to walk and had to wear these little corrective boots. Her two sisters would take her toys and try to run away. In order to get back at them she would drag herself over to them, ram them with her head, knock them to the ground and bite their backs!

She loves to read.

She is funny. Not just funny, she is hilarious! She will keep you laughing with her one liners from morning to night.

She has such a sweet spirit. When I buy new clothes (or anything) she always lets the other kids pick first and she will take what is left. Even if I insist that she picks first, she always "knows" what the others would pick and leaves those for them.

She is a great singer.

She loves to dance.

We call her the dog whisperer. She can take an unruly dog and force it to listen to her! She is fearless when it comes to animals.

She is loving.

She loves to cook~ she is always the first one in the kitchen to help me. When she is not cooking real food, she is playing restaurant with her play food.

She is the most laid-back of my children. She just goes with the flow. I love this about her.

She is the only triplet that has earrings.

When she was born and in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) she had an IV in her foot and her vain burst. She was burned from the inside out. God answered our prayers and it has not affected her mobility at all. She has a small faded scar on her foot but I love it. It reminds me of what a miracle it was that they were born so healthy.

After reading this blog Andie-girl said, "Awwww, Mom. If we ever run out of food and you have to have someone adopt me. After they this read this blog, they will really like me!"

I think all those threats of selling them on Ebay might be effecting them!

She makes me laugh, I need laughter in my life. I think I will keep her here with me....forever!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Harvest time

It is harvest time at the Seagraves Farm.

We have been getting up before dawn and working our fingers to the bone to harvest all the food that will sustain us for the next year.

Here is a picture of today's bounty:

Ok, maybe I exaggerated a little ~ this took us all of 2 minutes to pick from the garden. It should feed us until... tomorrow. But I can't tell you how much fun it is to go out to the garden and pick fresh fruits and vegetables.

This was our first year to have a garden. Most people start in the spring but NO~ not us, no sire-e. We are still considered "city folk" around here and we didn't get our garden into the ground until all our neighbors were picking their harvest!

We even had a joy-robbing-bandit tell us not to bother planting our seeds because they wouldn't grow. (gasp!) Encouragement is obviously not his spiritual gift!

I heard about a gardening method called square foot gardening. A method which allows you to grow more food in less space AND, this is the best part, without weeds. So it took me from spring to summertime to read, investigate and BEG Wes to let me invest money into the square foot garden. Why Lord? Why couldn't you just make me normal?

We had to buy untreated lumber to make the boxes. Then it took about 20 trips to try and find the 1 inch pieces of wood to make a square foot grid to lay on top of the garden boxes. We never did find those by the way, so poor Wes had to cut pieces of wood into 1 inch strips.

Then we bought the soil. It had to be a perfect blend of 1/3 part compost, 1/3 part peat moss and 1/3 part soil. This is where Wes' confusion came in. He would wonder (loudly) about why we were buying dirt when we have 8 acres of it that we could use for FREE! No, no, no... we must have the perfect blend, my love!

Finally, we had it all ready and LauraLee and I planted all the seeds. We didn't know what we were doing so we pushed those seeds WAY down into the soil. Until Wes, the know-it-all, came along and told us we were doing it all wrong.

It took a few months and an excessive amount of water since we were growing our produce during the hottest part of the year! But finally... it started to grow.

We have basil, cucumbers, banana peppers, watermelon, green bell peppers, corn and cantaloupe growing. We planted a larger variety but some things didn't grow. I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that we shoved those seeds 100 feet into the ground!!

It is such an amazing feeling to know that we are eating produce from our own garden. Free from pesticides, preservatives and WEEDS! I am able to send one of my farmhands out to the garden for a fresh watermelon for snack time. AMAZING...

I am so inspired.

I think I will change my name to Rachel Yoder and begin sewing us Amish dresses and prayer caps tomorrow. We might even deliver some fresh cucumbers to our nay-saying neighbor!

and maybe, just maybe, enter this cucumber in the county fair...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Exercising is dangerous!

We have started exercising... AGAIN.

No ~really. This time we are going to keep it up. (Stop laughing, please)

We have to get up at 5:15 so we can start walking at 5:30. What were we doing all summer while Wes was off? We had allllllllll day to walk but somehow never found time. Now we only have 30 minutes to fit it in and we do it! We seem to always go about things the hard way.

This got me thinking... Why do we sometimes take the rocky, overgrown path when God's path is so much easier? He tries to guide us down the well-traveled road but sometimes we insist on plowing through the overgrown trail. We stumble around blindly~ twisting our ankles and hacking at all the weeds trying to figure out which way to go!

Wow, that was deep.

Anyway~ Back to the walk.

Since we live in the country we have no street lights. It's an ideal situation for star gazing but not for trying to see rabid raccoons in the woods.

There we are ~walking along our road, enjoying the peaceful quiet of the country when all of a sudden we hear a dog barking. Not in the distance, this was like 5 feet in front of us. This was a warning bark. A don't-come-any-closer bark. This dog is obviously not a "morning dog" because he was quite grumpy when we woke him up. He was barking, charging and SNARLING at us. I could hear his teeth snapping together.

He kept running off and then charging at us again.

The problem was ~ We couldn't see him. It was pitch black outside. All we could see was a flash of white as he was running around us.

I was scared to death. Wes told me to remain calm.

I thought, "WHAT? STAY CALM? Like you CHOOSE to panic. Help me, Lord, I want to lose weight but not by having my leg chewed off!"

Wes, my knight in shining armor, broke a stick trying to defend us. He was ready to fight. He was scanning and assessing the situation. He was like a matador ready to fight the bull. All those years of watching "I Survived" had finally paid off!

I, on the other hand, was no help. I was too busy holding onto Wes' shirt and looking around for a tree to climb. I think at one moment, in an act of total self-preservation, I may or may not have pushed Wes toward the attacking dog.

Ok, who am I kidding here. Like I could climb a tree. But in my defense, I have heard of mothers lifting cars off their children in emergency situations. Adrenalin is a powerful thing. So maybe... hopefully...

The dog clearly realized that Wes could take him because he ran off in FEAR! I am sure the other neighborhood dogs will never let him live this one down. What a wimp!

Against my better judgment, we continued our walk. I am sure all the wild animals hiding in the woods could smell my fear. We finally made it back home after 30 very long dark minutes.

We survived AND we still have all of our appendages. Wes' back is a little scratched up but that will heal.

Wes is planning on bringing the BB gun tomorrow.

I might sleep in. I have decided that exercise could be dangerous to my safety and well-being!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hen or no hen...That is the question.

We have 6 hens.

We are anxiously waiting for them to make us eggs.

They are really sweet hens ~ they don't even mind sharing their food with the dogs.

Weird, I know.

Then there is the neighboring rooster, the stalker, that has been bothering our hens. (Previous blog~ if you haven't read it yet, please do!)

We haven't seen him in a few days. Maybe, we hurt his feelings. I don't know what we could have done. Surly it couldn't be the sticks, dog toys, wood pieces, foam pipe covers or grill-cleaning brush that we threw at him whenever he was trying to sneak onto our property.

Gosh, some roosters are so sensitive...

Anyway, I thought I heard him this morning. I heard a cock-a-doodle-do. But it was different then the "normal" rooster crow we have been hearing the last few weeks.

I ran to the window to see if he was back. (Some roosters are slow learners)

I didn't see a rooster, just our sweet hens laying there.

Phew, no rooster. I must be hearing things.

Cock-a-doodle-dooooooooooooo... That sneaky devil!

I ran back to the window and sloooow-ly peeked around the edge. Could it be the same rooster that left the golf ball? Was he hiding?

Again, no rooster... just the hens. Now they were looking at me like I was crazy.

That is when I saw it, one of our hens, skittles~ the beautiful one, threw back her head and cock-a-doodle-dooed with everything she had in her.

WHAT??? How can that be?

Is Kennedy's hen a ROOSTER? Is skittles a, a, a...boy?

How will I break this to my girlie-girl Kennedy? She will be devastated.

Is it possible? How can you tell?

I am not lifting her or him up to look, if that's even the way to decipher in the rooster/hen world.

I feel like such a rookie farmer! I think I will stop writing and go google it now.

We might be eating fried chicken for dinner tonight.

Ok, that was just a threat ~ we are not anywhere near being that self-sufficient yet. BUT it sounded good. I hope the stalker heard me!

Friday, August 13, 2010

McLaine~ my baby

McLaine ~ my compassionate girl.

She is my baby.

She is the triplet that I named and oddly enough, she is the child most like me when I was a child.

She loves to help me do things around the house. She will do anything, she just loves to be needed.

When she was little~ she said words like bikit for biscuit. Oh, how I miss those days...

She is funny.

She is extremely passionate.

When one of the other kids upsets her, she turns into the Incredible Hulk! One time she and Kennedy were riding in the backseat of Wes' truck. Kennedy apparently made her mad and Wes heard all these noises coming from the back seat. He looked in the rear view mirror and all he could see was Kennedy crying and her hair was all disheveled. He looked over at McLaine and she was leaning on her elbow just looking out the window enjoying the view. When she knew Wes was looking at her she looked over at Kennedy with a confused look on her face and just shrugged her shoulders like she had NO IDEA why Kennedy was crying. She is like a ninja.

She loves to read.

She is a great singer.

When she was just a few months old she had a strangulated toe. A string from her jammies got wrapped around her toe as she was sleeping. When I got her up to feed her, her toe looked like a cheery was stuck to the end of it. We had to rush her to the hospital and Wes was so worried he ran into the emergency room DEMANDING that they see her IMMEDIATELY. "She is a triplet", he said urgently, "if she loses her toe she will never be able to wear flip flops like her sisters!!!!" The nurses were either compassionate or scared of him because they took us right back. I am proud to report, she wears flip flops and has all 10 toes. (thanks to her dad!)

She has taught herself how to play the piano and will practice for hours.

She says the most beautiful heart-felt prayers. She will being tears to your eyes.

She loves this blue blanket that her Aunt LauraLee made for her. I don't think she has ever slept a night without it. It is now a small, frayed piece of fabric but she loves it and it brings her comfort. I love this about her.

She is really fast. I am talking Olympic gold medal fast or quite possibly multiple police-car-chase-fast.

She is kind... When she was in school during 1st grade she used to carry a girls lunch tray because the girl used a walker and couldn't do it herself. Then McLaine would get back in line to get her own lunch. She never told me she did this, she just did it because she is compassionate.

She will forever be my baby. I love her...

I think I will keep her here with me...FOREVER!

The love story begins

The summer is over, Wes has gone back to work. We are missing him... A LOT.

Summer is our favorite time of the year. Wes is off for 2 1/2 months. We sleep in, we watch movies. We go to the pool. We cook, we eat. We laugh. I was sitting here thinking about our life and I realized that summers have always been our thing. It started with a summer 22 years ago.

Every couple has a story ~and this is ours...

I met Wes in high school. We were on the track team together. We were both dating other people and we became friends. We talked about everything. I used him to do my math homework (just kidding). He is really good in math though!

In 1988, the night my brother graduated from high school, my friend Andreea and I snuck off to the beach with Wes and all his rowdy friends for a weekend away. I lied to my mother! Ugh, I still hear about this one on a yearly basis.

Mother, I am sorry...I have repented. I am a good girl now.

I knew I could get in trouble. I knew lying wasn't right. I knew my grandparents were here for my brother's graduation and they would distract my mother. I didn't care. I wanted to go and hang out with my friends and not think about my life.

In my defense, my dad had died the month before, I had just turned 16 and I wasn't processing things correctly. I justified it, I rationalized it. Wes always made me laugh and I wanted to laugh again.

We left as soon as they called my brother's name. "Yeahhhhh, Sean! Ok, RUN before my mother changes her mind!" I lied and told her I was going with a friend and her parents.

I know, I know. I am a heathen.

We drove to the beach in Wes' dad's Toyota Corolla. There were 7 of us in a car made for 5. We looked like clowns in a circus car. AC/DC was blaring on the radio. A truck almost hit us on the right. Wes had to swerve to the left... towards the wall. He turned the wheel at just the right time and our tire bounced off the wall and sent us back onto the highway. We all cheered and high-fived each other and kept driving~ We were young and dumb.

We stayed at the beach house for several days. We laughed, we jumped off the pier into the water. I got stung by a jellyfish ON THE FACE! We laughed hysterically! We drove around town. We laughed. We sang songs at the top of our lungs. We spent a lot of time on the beach. We got sunburns. We played cards. We ate Subway...a lot. We drank out of the Subway soda fountain without cups. (Sorry Subway, we were young and immature and not familiar with the heath codes.) We were 16 and 17 year old kids without a care in the world.

Wes and I had been friends for a while. We talked about things that I didn't share with everyone. I told him all my thoughts, fears, feelings and hopes for the future. We held hands, we shared our first kiss. We had a song, "The Flame" by cheap trick. The Toyota Corolla was a standard and he gave me a quick kiss every time he had to shift. I think sometimes he took the back roads instead of the highway on purpose!

We finally went home. I was sad it was over but happy because Wes and I were officially dating.

My mom found out that I had gone with Wes. I was grounded~ for a while.

Although I am sorry that I lied to my mother, I have never been sorry that I went. I needed that trip. I needed the laughs. I needed to start healing. It was the beginning of our love story...

We dated all summer. There were good times and not so good times. We broke up... he dated my friend... GASP! I became friends with his ex-girlfriends.

We dated again.

We broke up, I dated somebody else... I got engaged to somebody else.

He dated other people, he graduated from high school, he enlisted in the Air Force.

I almost got married to somebody else ~until... the summer of 1991

To be continued...

Triplet Frog Hunt

Once upon a time there were 3 princesses.

They lived in a castle on Summer Hill Lane.

They spend their days doing what all little girls do ~ playing dress-up, painting their nails and....

Frog hunting.

Hey Kennedy~Do you want to look for frogs? Yeah McLaine, good idea!

Andie, Grab a barrel to collect our frogs in.

Hold on... I think I see one over here~


All modesty is forgotten. They see one!

Look, Mom. He has a huge chin!

Look Mom~ I found one too! (It must have been her lucky boots and polka dot looms!)

I just can't decide which one is cuter. (Notice they have their loyal hunting dog with them)

Look Kennedy~ Your frog has a spot on his head.
I know, he is sooo cute. I think I shall call you squishy and you shall be mine!

Can we keep them Mom? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? (Andie, Kennedy, McLaine)

Me: Ewwwwwwwwwww! Gross!!!

Put those frogs down. You're going to get warts all over your hands!

By the way, before you ask...none of you are helping me cook tonight.

I am going inside to call your dad ~we are moving back to the city...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jake ~ aka Jakey Man

Jake is our only son. Our boy. Our only child to carry on the Seagraves name.

He has such a sweet and loving spirit.

He has a kind heart and other kids always love him.

He loves the Lord and people. He always remembers to pray for those who are sick or need help. I love this about him.

He loves his sisters and worries about them wherever we go.

His best friend is Madison, his older sister, and he loves spending time with her.

He was only 16 months when I was put on bed rest with the triplets. He was 20 months old when they were born. 3 babies born at once is all he has ever known. I remember when a friend of ours had a baby he said, "Mom, they only had one baby." Like there was something wrong!

I will always have a bit of guilt because he was pushed to the side when the triplets were born. We didn't mean to but they were so much work that he had to learn to wait for things.

Because of us neglecting him he learned to play by himself and learned patience!

He loves to be home with us. He even asked if he could home school college. I truly believe Online classes were invented for children like him!

He loves to play outside.

He is funny. Really funny. He says and does some of the funniest things. I would like to share a few of those stories with you below:

One night Wes and I were sitting in the living room. Jake came downstairs from his bath wearing only his pajama bottoms. We couldn't help but notice the water glistening off his shoulders. Then we noticed his stomach and back were all wet. AND there was shampoo in his hair A LOT of shampoo...I am talking bubbles dripping off his head.
I said, "Jake, why are you all wet?" He stares at me... blankly (we could hear crickets chirping) "Jake, you still have shampoo in your hair!" He slowly brings his hand up to his head and with a shocked look on his face said, "OH, I forgot to rinse my hair!!!" I still don't understand how that happened. How did he not feel the water dripping down his forehead?

A few days later he again walks past us and announces that he is going across the street to see if his friend, TJ, wanted to play. Being the experienced mother that I am, I noticed right away that he didn't have any pants on. (It might have been the reflection of the light off his lilly white legs.) I said, "Jake, where are your pants?"
Again, the sound of crickets could be heard...He looks down and goes, "OH no! I forgot to put on my pants after I went to the bathroom!" I couldn't figure out what was more disturbing ~ the fact that he didn't notice he had NO PANTS on or that he takes all of his clothes off to go to the bathroom!

Because of this, we are not sure if he will ever be able to drive a car or live on his own!

But that is ok, I love him and can't imagine a day without him. I think I will keep him...forever!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hair coloring catastrophe

NOTE: No pictures will be included in this post for your own safety!

Wes and I were going out to dinner with friends Saturday night. I had been working outside on the house all day and knew I needed to get inside and attempt to look half-way decent for my double date.

You see, this was not a normal weekend night for us. Normally we are so exhausted from working on the house all day that neither of us feel like "going out". If we are feeling unusually frisky, we might go eat at the Mexican food restaurant in town. I like going there because we don't really know anyone so I can go in with wet hair and no make-up on. Plus, they have really good cheese dip!

So needless to say, I knew I had to at least put on make-up and wash that gray right outta my hair and if time allowed, scrape the white paint off of my fingernails.

Wes went to go wash the suburban and I started coloring my hair (I told you this was a big deal for us). I knew I had to "process" so off I went to start working on my fingernails.

All of a sudden, the power went out. Not a big deal if you have city water but when you have a well that is run off of electricity, it is a HUGE problem. NO electricity = NO water! I started to panic.

How was I going to rinse the color off my hair?

My medium-brown hair might be jet black if the power doesn't come back on soon.

What if my hair falls out? AGHHHHHH, WHAT IF MY HAIR FALLS OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I am in a full blown panic now. I ran downstairs and yell to the kids, "How will I wash my hair color out?" They all just looked at me and wondered how they were going to play Webkinz with the power out.

"My hair is going to fall out!", I yelled as I ran outside...INTO the rain!

I was really panicking now. I have several emotional scars from some really bad hair cuts so the thought of possibly losing my hair due to a power outage was a serious fear for me. AND running out into the rain seemed like a rational move at the moment.

There I was~ bent over with my head down AND no shirt on using the rain water to rinse my hair when the kids came out (with rain coats on) to see what I was doing out in the rain. They came around the corner to see me half naked with brown hair color running down my face as I was screaming " My eyes are burning!"

I am pretty certain at least one of them will have nightmares from this.

Madison, my oldest and most responsible child, leaped into action. She started trying to help me rinse my hair with the rain water and yelling for the other kids to get the shampoo.

Moments later the rain stopped and I still had a lot of color and shampoo dripping from my head. What was I going to do? I was desperate.

Wait, we have dogs and dogs have water bowls, right? "Madison, hurry and go get Bella's water bowl."

I had to stand there as she carefully poured the dirty, dog-drooled-water over my head. I mentioned I was desperate, right?

Madison ran and called Wes at the car wash and asked him to bring home a gallon of water from the store. He had the nerve to tell her he was trying to windex the windows so she said, "Daddy, we are pouring dog water over mommy's head. The windows can wait!"

His suggestion was for me to come to the car wash and he would spray me with the water hose. Needless to say, I wasn't going to the car wash and letting him spray me with a water hose that shoots water at 2oo mph. I wouldn't have any hair left for sure!

To top it all off, a horse fly lands on my stomach. This causes me to FREAK OUT! I mean, push my own child in front of a charging bull FREAK OUT!

I started running around the yard flailing my arms and kicking my legs all the way into the house and didn't stop until I found refuge in the bath tub where Wes finally found me (rocking back and forth in a fetal position). He had arrived with 2 gallons of spring water.

I am happy to report that I survived and:

I still have hair

The horsefly did bite me but I am recovering

I have started the kids in therapy

Gee, I think I will just stay in and eat a sandwich next weekend!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kennedy~ the health NUT

Kennedy~ My girlie-girl.

She loves pink.

She is my fourth child... the middle child of the triplets.

She is her own person. She can't be easily persuaded or pushed around. She is the most like her father.

She is funny. She rolls her eyes at you when you try and trick her.

She always yells at someone when she falls (even when nobody is around her).

Last Mother's Day, I woke her up at 10:40 a.m. to go out to breakfast with us, she told me to just bring her home something from the restaurant because she wanted to sleep in. ( again, she is just like her father!)

She is a good singer.

She loves to eat.

She eats A LOT. I don't know where she puts it all.

She loves to do art.

She is a bit sassy!

She is bossy. Today she told me I needed to start buying more Clementine oranges..

and she likes to exercise... WEIRD, I know...

Today she was jogging outside during the hottest part of the day... for FUN! Our dog, Miley, did one lap with her and ran for shade.

I wish I had her determination, will-power and pencil-thin legs. Especially, the pencil-thin legs!
I love her... I think I will keep her here with me forever.