About Me

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I am a homeschooling mother of 5 beautiful children and a wife to one amazing husband. We have a fun life ~ full of laughs and surprises. I pray that through this blog that we will encourage you, make you laugh, and bring joy to your day.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I love Powder!

I have a sister.

Her name is Heather.

She has 3 children (and a husband).

I am lucky enough to babysit them twice a week. The children... not the husband.

Well~Mikayla, the oldest, goes to school so really that just leaves me with the younger 2.

Emily Grace (2) and Kate (10 months).

They are adorable, funny, and well-behaved and I love spending time with them. I get to be around babies again and then leave them when their dad gets home. Being an Aunt is great!

Every time I change Emily Grace's diaper she yells, "I love powder!" and I powder her down.

It's really cute but I realized today that I totally underestimated just how much she LOVES powder!

Kate, the baby, came crawling in from the playroom with white stuff on her face and she smelled especially powder-fresh.

I went to investigate. Where- oh-where was Emily Grace?

FOUND HER! Look at that face...GUILTY!!

She was cooking in her little kitchen. I screamed and said (in a very calm, loving, voice), "What are you doing?" To which she proudly replied, "Making Easter Baskets!"

Of course, what was I thinking?

She really enjoys using all of her counter space now doesn't she?

Poor little guy, I think she was planning on deep-fat-frying him!
Thank goodness I found him in time.

She had it everywhere!

"Emily Grace, How am I going to clean this up?"
"With Wipies!" she replied.

Isn't she brilliant?

So, that is what I did. I cleaned the entire miniature kitchen with Huggies wipes. She was kind enough to watch me and point out lovingly, "You missed some knucklehead"
Thanks Uncle Wes for teaching her that word!

After I was done, she said so sweetly, "Tank chew for cweaning my kitchen, Aunt P."

How could I be mad at her?

By the way, she calls me Aunt P. Not Aunt Pee. Just the initial P.
Don't ask me why, believe me ~ I have put A LOT of thought into why I would be called Aunt P. I have tried to correct her but she wants to call me P.

Maybe it's because she loves me as much as she loves powder!