The Seagraves 7
Behold, Children are a gift of the Lord; The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.. Psalm 127:3-5
About Me
- Seagraves 7
- I am a homeschooling mother of 5 beautiful children and a wife to one amazing husband. We have a fun life ~ full of laughs and surprises. I pray that through this blog that we will encourage you, make you laugh, and bring joy to your day.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sean, my bro!
I have a brother... his name is Sean.
I like him... A LOT.
We were both blessed with a twisted sense of humor. When we talk on the phone, 80% of our conversation is laughter. We just get each other.
I love that he and Wes are friends. They just don't "get along" for my sake, they genuinely like each other. They talk, laugh and enjoy making fun of each other. They are more like brothers.
He has 3 beautiful children and I love them like they are my own. Well, almost. I am not offering to help with college or anything.
He also has 2 step-kids so when we all get together... we have 10 children. There were other children on this statue but when all of our kids starting running at it, all the other kids fled in fear. We can be a bit overwhelming to some.
I hate that he lives 7 hours away in Oklahoma and we only get to see each other a few times a year. The highlight of our summer is when the kids come down to stay with us for a few weeks. It makes me sad to think that one day they will be in college and have jobs and won't be able to come see us. : (
We keep hoping that he will move closer so we can bar-b-q and hang out more.
We have been talking about this for at least 15 years. I don't think it's going to happen. But a girl can dream, right?
When Hurricane Ike came a few years ago, we fled to Oklahoma and stayed with them for a week. While all our friends and neighbors suffered without power, we were having a blast at Sean's house. We played games, went to the zoo and of course, gathered around the table for food and fellowship.
Oh, and some wrestling...
All 10 kids piled into one room to sleep. I am pretty sure we were violating some fire codes here.
We went to visit him a few months ago. We had a great time. We laughed until our sides hurt, ate until our bellies hurt; and when it was time to leave... we cried until our eyes hurt. Well, I did anyway. Sean must have been a little dehydrated that day.
We spent Saturday at his future in-laws farm. It was so much fun. Their land is beautiful and they were so gracious to invite our motely crew. The kids rode 4 wheelers, ran until they were exhausted and explored every inch of their property.
I love that all the kids get along so well.
There is just something about being out in nature, especially with my family, that makes me feel so blessed.
I am thankful for my brother and his family. They have brought a lot of joy into our lives. I am thankful that spending time together has always been as important to him as it is to me.
I am also thankful that I was able to forgive him for all the years that he TORTURED me as a child. For the many times he practiced his WWF moves on me, hit me with his pillow, chased me down the street, locked me in the bathroom and tried to make me his slave while my parents were at work.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Chef in training
Madison has always loved to cook.
When she was little she would host her own pretend cooking show. It was adorable.
Since she wants to be a chef one day, she asked if she could start cooking a few meals for us.
I, of course, LOVED this idea. You see, we think it's important to encourage our children to do something they love... especially if we can benefit in the process!
This was her first "major" meal to cook on her own and since she loves the Pioneer Woman, she decided to try a meal out of her cookbook... Chicken Fried Steak and mashed potatoes with gravy. YUM!
She got started peeling potatoes and trying to figure out how to time everything. That, I told her, is the hardest part!
Kennedy put on her apron and was assisting as her sous-chef. I was standing by to help her with anyemergencies, problems, questions she might have.
We had to stop for a minute to help Jake with a cut that he got while playing with a piece of glass outside. Don't ask!!
He wasn't down long...
She made the mashed potatoes and jalapeno Corn and put them in the oven while she got ready to cook the chicken fried steak. Things were going along quite well.
Just as her oil was getting hot... BOOM... the power went out!
While she was waiting, she decided to use her time wisely and work on her shooting skills.

The weather was beautiful so we decided to go outside and sit on the porch and wait on the power to come back on. The devil wasn't going to steal our joy!

It was delicious! Not too bad for her first attempt. Well, except for: Jake's cut, the power going out, and a fire!!! Other then that... it was a pretty normal dinner!
When she was little she would host her own pretend cooking show. It was adorable.
Since she wants to be a chef one day, she asked if she could start cooking a few meals for us.
I, of course, LOVED this idea. You see, we think it's important to encourage our children to do something they love... especially if we can benefit in the process!
This was her first "major" meal to cook on her own and since she loves the Pioneer Woman, she decided to try a meal out of her cookbook... Chicken Fried Steak and mashed potatoes with gravy. YUM!
She got started peeling potatoes and trying to figure out how to time everything. That, I told her, is the hardest part!
Kennedy put on her apron and was assisting as her sous-chef. I was standing by to help her with any
We had to stop for a minute to help Jake with a cut that he got while playing with a piece of glass outside. Don't ask!!
He wasn't down long...
She made the mashed potatoes and jalapeno Corn and put them in the oven while she got ready to cook the chicken fried steak. Things were going along quite well.
Just as her oil was getting hot... BOOM... the power went out!
While she was waiting, she decided to use her time wisely and work on her shooting skills.
The weather was beautiful so we decided to go outside and sit on the porch and wait on the power to come back on. The devil wasn't going to steal our joy!
As I sat out there on the porch swing watching the kids run around the yard, I couldn't help thinking about Loretta Lynn in the movie Coal Miner's Daughter! Let me just say... we have a few things in common.
1 and 1/2 hours later... the power was back on and Madison was back in the kitchen.
Her Aunt Laura Lee and Uncle James stopped by to say hello just as she was starting to fry the meat. Oh no, the pressure was really on! Now she had an audience.
I was standing near the stove when all of a sudden I see an orange glow. I started thinking, "Where is that coming from?" Upon closer inspection... I noticed the oven had huge flames inside of it!
I calmly said, "Ummmm, Wes, there is a fire in the oven!"
There is just something about the word "FIRE!" and the smell of smoke that seems to get everyones attention.

After the fire was put out and the smoke was cleared out of the kitchen she got back to work! This girl has determination.
And finally we were all able to sit down and enjoy an amazing meal around 9:00 p.m. (Aunt Laura Lee and Uncle James decided they had to stay for dinner after all that excitement!)
Her Aunt Laura Lee and Uncle James stopped by to say hello just as she was starting to fry the meat. Oh no, the pressure was really on! Now she had an audience.
I was standing near the stove when all of a sudden I see an orange glow. I started thinking, "Where is that coming from?" Upon closer inspection... I noticed the oven had huge flames inside of it!
I calmly said, "Ummmm, Wes, there is a fire in the oven!"
There is just something about the word "FIRE!" and the smell of smoke that seems to get everyones attention.
After the fire was put out and the smoke was cleared out of the kitchen she got back to work! This girl has determination.
And finally we were all able to sit down and enjoy an amazing meal around 9:00 p.m. (Aunt Laura Lee and Uncle James decided they had to stay for dinner after all that excitement!)
It was delicious! Not too bad for her first attempt. Well, except for: Jake's cut, the power going out, and a fire!!! Other then that... it was a pretty normal dinner!
After dinner, we were laughing about all that happened and Madison asked, "Mom, do you think God is telling me NOT to become a chef?"
"NO, it was just a crazy night! You did a great job!", I assured her. But... I do think that God is telling me that I need to buy some disposable pans before her next meal!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I love Powder!
I have a sister.
Her name is Heather.
She has 3 children (and a husband).
I am lucky enough to babysit them twice a week. The children... not the husband.
Well~Mikayla, the oldest, goes to school so really that just leaves me with the younger 2.
Emily Grace (2) and Kate (10 months).
They are adorable, funny, and well-behaved and I love spending time with them. I get to be around babies again and then leave them when their dad gets home. Being an Aunt is great!
Every time I change Emily Grace's diaper she yells, "I love powder!" and I powder her down.
It's really cute but I realized today that I totally underestimated just how much she LOVES powder!
Kate, the baby, came crawling in from the playroom with white stuff on her face and she smelled especially powder-fresh.
I went to investigate. Where- oh-where was Emily Grace?
FOUND HER! Look at that face...GUILTY!!
She was cooking in her little kitchen. I screamed and said (in a very calm, loving, voice), "What are you doing?" To which she proudly replied, "Making Easter Baskets!"
Of course, what was I thinking?
She really enjoys using all of her counter space now doesn't she?
Poor little guy, I think she was planning on deep-fat-frying him!
Thank goodness I found him in time.
She had it everywhere!
"Emily Grace, How am I going to clean this up?"
"With Wipies!" she replied.
Isn't she brilliant?
So, that is what I did. I cleaned the entire miniature kitchen with Huggies wipes. She was kind enough to watch me and point out lovingly, "You missed some knucklehead"
Thanks Uncle Wes for teaching her that word!
After I was done, she said so sweetly, "Tank chew for cweaning my kitchen, Aunt P."
How could I be mad at her?
By the way, she calls me Aunt P. Not Aunt Pee. Just the initial P.
Don't ask me why, believe me ~ I have put A LOT of thought into why I would be called Aunt P. I have tried to correct her but she wants to call me P.
Maybe it's because she loves me as much as she loves powder!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Gardens, snakes and floors... Oh my!
Weekends are for resting, right?
At our house, weekends are for getting projects done! Ohhhhh, how I love the weekends!
This past weekend we decided to work on the wood floors in the hallway and laundry room. We have been working on this project since... uh-um JULY!
But, in my defense, thank God we didn't finish them because we decided to move the wall in the hall a few weeks ago and that would have messed up the floors. So in hindsight, it was a blessing we were procrastinators, I mean, BUSY for the last 8 months!
In the middle of working on the floors, a friend offered to let us borrow their tractor to till up our garden. "Till up or garden", don't we sound like farmers?
The decision wasn't difficult.
Hummm, use a tractor for 20 minutes or spend hours doing back-breaking labor? Sorry, Levi Yoder, I am choosing the tractor!
After the tractor was finished doing it's work, we hired 4 laborers to work the soil and remove all the grass and sticks.
Every man, woman, child, and fowl must pull their weight around here!
Wes ended up killing a snake (out of fear) before he realized it was a harmless snake. Upon closer inspection, we noticed that it had 2 lumps in it's belly so I don't think it was hungry. I felt better knowing that it had a final meal.
The next day, we called the SRT (Snake Removal Team) to come over and dispose of our snake. This includes hanging it on a tree as a warning to any other snakes who have thought about coming onto our property.
They can be a little dramatic sometimes.
It took all 4 of them to get the job done.
They took it to the woods and then just couldn't help themselves. They just had to see what those 2 lumps were inside the belly of the snake. I won't go into details but they managed to push the 2 lumps out of the snake. Poor baby birds...
Thank goodness he didn't get to our chickens! Snakes just don't realize how valuable chickens are to a farm. We have spent hours training ours in the art of bug removal, garden tilling and protein making. We will protect them to the bitter end.
By the time the weekend was over, we felt very satisfied!
- We finished the hallway floor and half the laundry room
- Prepared the garden
- and saved the lives of our chickens
Just another day on the farm...
raising kids,
wood floors
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The triplets are going rogue!
For the last 8 years, Wes and I have made all decisions for the girls.
What they wear, what they do, what they eat, where they go... it was all decided by us.
Well, maybe mostly me. Wes doesn't really care about what they wear... or what they eat... or what they do. Ok, he helps decide where they go. Sometimes.
Ever since they were little babies, I have matched them. Not because I am a control freak but because it makes it easier for me.
And really, isn't that what it's all about?
Every self-respecting, EXPERIENCED, mother of multiples knows the reasons for this:
1. I can spot them easily in a crowd. And count... 1,2,3. 1,2 uh-oh... where is 3. It's always 3!
2. I know if there is an outfit missing when it comes to laundry. I am in the habit of counting articles of clothing as I put them in the washer. "One purple shirt, two purple shirts... Girls, I am missing a purple shirt." "Here it is mom, I found it in the Lego box." (Don't ask, it just happens!)
3. There is less fighting that way. Nothing to fight over... Oh really, you don't like green? Too bad, the other 2 dresses are green too!
We have a rhythm. We have a flow. We have a pecking order.
Kennedy decided to cut her hair and McLaine and Andie decided not to.
WHAT? I was in a panic... We can't have 1 with short hair and 2 with long?
The earth will stop spinning on its axis. Time will stand still. This will affect so many lives!!
But as the supportive, non control-freak parent that I am... I simply said "Ok." Although I was secretly hoping the other 2 would change their minds.
I kept suggesting it, encouraging it.
But they didn't.
And now... we have started a downhill spiral.
Everybody is wanting their own voice. They have found independence! AGHHHH!
McLaine has decided she wants to play baseball. Alone.
Kennedy wants to cheer and do a bake sale.
Andie is holding out for basketball. (She found out there is no bowling league in our little town) Phew, did we luck out there!
There is complete pandemonium breaking out in the Seagraves household and I have to stop this train!
I want to go back to when they were little and just wanted "juice pweese".
I want to go back to the matching outfits.
I want to go back to stifling their creativity.
I am afraid... I am very afraid.
house building,
raising kids,
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hallway plank-a-poolza
I love wood planked walls.
Hellooooo, new cabinets!
Madison, future home-builder and/or renovator, helped Wes put in the cabinets. She knows more than most adults about DIY projects. She will never have to buy a $60 door at Home Depot and pay them $243 dollars to have it installed! Our homeschooling math is paying off!
I love wood planked ceilings.
I love wood planked anything.
They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
There is something about them that speaks to my very soul... casual, informal, cozy, laid-back, imperfect, vintage, cottage-y. (Is that a word?)
I have been pulling inspiration pictures out of magazines and putting them in my little book of "House Ideas" for future use.
Well... the future is here.
Our side door and hallway serve as the main highway in our house. I am tired of tripping over shoes as I walk in the door. The kids are tired of hearing me yell.
I am tired of looking at Rmax insulation and unfinished walls.
And we are all tired of looking for Wesley's cell phone, wallet and car keys!!
So we decided to knock down the wall between our bedroom and hallway and moved it back into the bedroom 18 inches. This will allow us to hang cabinets for storage and build a bench for shoes underneath.
Hopefully ~HOPEFULLY this will make us a little more organized... hopefully.
Goodbye, ugly wall...
Hellooooo, new cabinets!
We added 1x4 wood planks to the walls and a stained glass window above the door

Made at least 27 trips to Home Depot

Picked out paint colors from the 684 paint swatches that I collected

and bought Wes some Head and Shoulders shampoo.

Here is a current picture. We still have to add hardware to the cabinets, put another coat of paint on the trim, put down the wood floors and the best part... DECORATE!

I am holding off until I go to Round Top the first weekend in April. I am sure to find a ton of treasures that I can add to my walls.
Like maybe:
a blackboard
paint-chipped shutters
old frames
a vase
some iron hooks
maybe a different entry table that I can put a lamp on
The possibilities are endless....
I will post the final pictures in April.
Made at least 27 trips to Home Depot
Picked out paint colors from the 684 paint swatches that I collected
and bought Wes some Head and Shoulders shampoo.
Here is a current picture. We still have to add hardware to the cabinets, put another coat of paint on the trim, put down the wood floors and the best part... DECORATE!
I am holding off until I go to Round Top the first weekend in April. I am sure to find a ton of treasures that I can add to my walls.
Like maybe:
a blackboard
paint-chipped shutters
old frames
a vase
some iron hooks
maybe a different entry table that I can put a lamp on
The possibilities are endless....
I will post the final pictures in April.
wood planks
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The house
For those of you who don't know, we are building our house.
If you didn't know this, I wonder how you could have missed it?
You see, I have a tendency to "think" about things... out loud. Over and over. And by "thinking" I mean talking.
If you didn't know this, I wonder how you could have missed it?
You see, I have a tendency to "think" about things... out loud. Over and over. And by "thinking" I mean talking.
And what's worse is that I am NOT a good decision maker so I change my mind ...a lot and then want to talk about my new idea. Wes calls it indecisive and annoying.
I like to think I am just being cautious and methodical!
Either way, I have decided to start including our house projects on this blog for those of you who WANT to know what we are working on.
There are two good reasons for doing this:
One~ I want to give you a "bird's eye" view into our lives. Just in case you ever thought about having 5 children and trying to educate them at home all while building your own house. This blog will forever change your mind and save you a world of trouble.
Two~ I am HOPING this will stop the question that we get every day... ARE YOU FINISHED WITH YOUR HOUSE???? Maybe you will see the pictures and know not to ask for at least 10 years!
Soooo, here is a little history of this adventure thus far...
We bought a little cabin on some property in Coldspring. It was a tiny one bedroom house that we knew we would have to add on to. But we had VISION... We figured we would add on a huge bedroom for the kids and live in it for a year while we decided how we wanted to add on.

We knew we would have to get new flooring and do some "sprucing up" of the place before we moved in. Wes was off for the summer so he went up to get started while the kids and I stayed home.

Wasn't he being so neat and clean with the trash. Don't mind that stove laying out in the yard. Obviously, we were not planning on using that!
The floor ended up being rotted out and the electrical was put in by Moses so it needed to be redone. And the plumbing, and the sheetrock and, and, and... So it looks like we are starting over. A fresh slate! (trying to be positive here!)
We went to Home Depot, had lumber delivered and got to work... Wes claimed we would be in by late August. 2 months? Maybe it was possible. Maybe?? I can still hear my brother laughing hysterically when he came down to visit.
We hired some great workers. They worked cheap, all they asked for was Whataburger or McDonald's on the way to work!
Finally, we had what was beginning to look like a house. We missed our August deadline by a LONG shot!
The work never stops. Here we are putting up the Hardy plank. The house is really tall and I don't like heights but when you are trying to save money there is nothing I am not willing to do. Well, except for the time Wes fell off the roof and I saved him from plummeting to his death. Thank God I was holding that rope. There was no way he was leaving me here to finish the house AND raise the children! But that is a story for another day! We did decide to hire a roofer after that. So, I guess we do have some limits!
I like to think I am just being cautious and methodical!
Either way, I have decided to start including our house projects on this blog for those of you who WANT to know what we are working on.
There are two good reasons for doing this:
One~ I want to give you a "bird's eye" view into our lives. Just in case you ever thought about having 5 children and trying to educate them at home all while building your own house. This blog will forever change your mind and save you a world of trouble.
Two~ I am HOPING this will stop the question that we get every day... ARE YOU FINISHED WITH YOUR HOUSE???? Maybe you will see the pictures and know not to ask for at least 10 years!
Soooo, here is a little history of this adventure thus far...
We bought a little cabin on some property in Coldspring. It was a tiny one bedroom house that we knew we would have to add on to. But we had VISION... We figured we would add on a huge bedroom for the kids and live in it for a year while we decided how we wanted to add on.
We knew we would have to get new flooring and do some "sprucing up" of the place before we moved in. Wes was off for the summer so he went up to get started while the kids and I stayed home.
Wasn't he being so neat and clean with the trash. Don't mind that stove laying out in the yard. Obviously, we were not planning on using that!
I wondered why Wes always wanted to go alone. He said it was too dangerous for the kids but we insisted on going up to see the progress.

"Ummmmm, Honey? There is a HUGE hole in the house. Are you going to fix that?"
"Ummmmm, Honey? There is a HUGE hole in the house. Are you going to fix that?"
Now I knew why he didn't want us coming up there!
Ok, it looks like we are going to do a little more work then we originally thought. Doesn't it always work out that way? Well, maybe we can save the door at least!
Well, let's make that a lot more work then we thought. "Honey? Are you sure we can fix THIS?" Maybe it's just me but in this picture doesn't the roof look a little un-level.
Hey, watch out for my door!!
We moved into the house in March of 2009. It was unfinished. By unfinished I mean, we could walk through the walls. The kids loved it. They felt sorry for their friends who had real walls. They didn't even have to knock on the bathroom door to see if someone was in there... they could just look!
We had all the important things that one needs to live:
We had a roof
we had sub-flooring (which is the flooring under your "nice" flooring)
we had indoor plumbing with a tub and toilets
we had doors and windows
we had electricity
we had each other
and most importantly we had a dream. To work on this house and love each other through the process.
A stove came a month later. Cooking for 7 with a crock pot, grill and an electric skillet got interesting. The first night we used the new stove Madison said, "Mom, it's a blessing to have a stove. There are people out there who never have one!" I hope if nothing else, they learn to appreciate the things that we used to take for granted!
A month after that we had our central air and heat put in. Praise God because it gets really hot in Texas!
We all slept in the downstairs bedroom for the first year. It was like a permanent sleepover. At night we would lay in our beds, all lined up on the wall, and talk. Wes would make animal shadows on the wall and we would laugh and tell stories. We sounded like the Walton's, "Goodnight Madison, Goodnight Jake, Goodnight girls... Goodnight John boy"
The house still isn't finished although we have come a long way. We still work on it (all the time) and God has blessed us tremendously. Home Depot has become our home away from home, I have become quite the nurse from all of Wes' injuries and we are still able to laugh together.
I think we have lived in the chaos for so long we don't know any other way!
I will do more updates on the house in the next few weeks.
For now, pray for us as we continue our journey of craziness.
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