About Me

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I am a homeschooling mother of 5 beautiful children and a wife to one amazing husband. We have a fun life ~ full of laughs and surprises. I pray that through this blog that we will encourage you, make you laugh, and bring joy to your day.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Gardens, snakes and floors... Oh my!

Weekends are for resting, right?


At our house, weekends are for getting projects done! Ohhhhh, how I love the weekends!

This past weekend we decided to work on the wood floors in the hallway and laundry room. We have been working on this project since... uh-um JULY!

But, in my defense, thank God we didn't finish them because we decided to move the wall in the hall a few weeks ago and that would have messed up the floors. So in hindsight, it was a blessing we were procrastinators, I mean, BUSY for the last 8 months!

In the middle of working on the floors, a friend offered to let us borrow their tractor to till up our garden. "Till up or garden", don't we sound like farmers?

The decision wasn't difficult.

Hummm, use a tractor for 20 minutes or spend hours doing back-breaking labor? Sorry, Levi Yoder, I am choosing the tractor!

After the tractor was finished doing it's work, we hired 4 laborers to work the soil and remove all the grass and sticks.

Every man, woman, child, and fowl must pull their weight around here!

Wes ended up killing a snake (out of fear) before he realized it was a harmless snake. Upon closer inspection, we noticed that it had 2 lumps in it's belly so I don't think it was hungry. I felt better knowing that it had a final meal.

The next day, we called the SRT (Snake Removal Team) to come over and dispose of our snake. This includes hanging it on a tree as a warning to any other snakes who have thought about coming onto our property.

They can be a little dramatic sometimes.

It took all 4 of them to get the job done.

They took it to the woods and then just couldn't help themselves. They just had to see what those 2 lumps were inside the belly of the snake. I won't go into details but they managed to push the 2 lumps out of the snake. Poor baby birds...

Thank goodness he didn't get to our chickens! Snakes just don't realize how valuable chickens are to a farm. We have spent hours training ours in the art of bug removal, garden tilling and protein making. We will protect them to the bitter end.

By the time the weekend was over, we felt very satisfied!

  • We finished the hallway floor and half the laundry room

  • Prepared the garden

  • and saved the lives of our chickens

Just another day on the farm...

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