We are anxiously waiting for them to make us eggs.

They are really sweet hens ~ they don't even mind sharing their food with the dogs.
Weird, I know.
Then there is the neighboring rooster, the stalker, that has been bothering our hens. (Previous blog~ if you haven't read it yet, please do!)
We haven't seen him in a few days. Maybe, we hurt his feelings. I don't know what we could have done. Surly it couldn't be the sticks, dog toys, wood pieces, foam pipe covers or grill-cleaning brush that we threw at him whenever he was trying to sneak onto our property.
Gosh, some roosters are so sensitive...
Anyway, I thought I heard him this morning. I heard a cock-a-doodle-do. But it was different then the "normal" rooster crow we have been hearing the last few weeks.
I ran to the window to see if he was back. (Some roosters are slow learners)
I didn't see a rooster, just our sweet hens laying there.
Phew, no rooster. I must be hearing things.
Cock-a-doodle-dooooooooooooo... That sneaky devil!
I ran back to the window and sloooow-ly peeked around the edge. Could it be the same rooster that left the golf ball? Was he hiding?
Again, no rooster... just the hens. Now they were looking at me like I was crazy.
That is when I saw it, one of our hens, skittles~ the beautiful one, threw back her head and cock-a-doodle-dooed with everything she had in her.
WHAT??? How can that be?
Is Kennedy's hen a ROOSTER? Is skittles a, a, a...boy?
How will I break this to my girlie-girl Kennedy? She will be devastated.
Is it possible? How can you tell?
I am not lifting her or him up to look, if that's even the way to decipher in the rooster/hen world.
I feel like such a rookie farmer! I think I will stop writing and go google it now.
We might be eating fried chicken for dinner tonight.
Ok, that was just a threat ~ we are not anywhere near being that self-sufficient yet. BUT it sounded good. I hope the stalker heard me!
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