About Me

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I am a homeschooling mother of 5 beautiful children and a wife to one amazing husband. We have a fun life ~ full of laughs and surprises. I pray that through this blog that we will encourage you, make you laugh, and bring joy to your day.

Monday, February 7, 2011

I am back

I am back...

I took a little break from blogging.

I don't know what happened. I think I got a little busy with Christmas projects and all.

You know Wes and I... we just can't be NoRmAl. Why can't we just go to Toys-R-Us like the millions of other parents out there?

Why can't we just buy toys that require no extra work on our part?

Like stuffed animals. Those are nice, right? You just buy it, stick it in a box and wrap it. Wala~ you are DONE... no batteries, nothing to put together, no little plastic twist ties to cut your fingers on.

Nooooooooooooo, we had to add animals to the farm this year. This was the year of the "gifts that just keep on giving"! I have a manure pile to prove it. They just keep giving and giving.

Madison started all of this. She wanted a horse, not a fish or a hamster... a horse. What 13 year old girl doesn't dream of riding into the sunset on her best friend?

She is such a huge help to us, I just couldn't deny her. Plus, truth be told, this was my childhood dream.

I begged my parents for a horse. When I couldn't have that, I begged for horseback riding lessons. I spent many days riding my pretend horse around my neighborhood with my best friend, Andreea. We were expert riders, we jumped creeks and everything. For the record... my sister, Heather, was given horse back riding lessons after I moved out of the house. ( That reminds me, I need to make another appointment with my therapist)

Anyway, now you can understand why I wanted to give her this gift. I begged Wes, I pleaded, I promised things that I knew I couldn't keep.

We bought a horse. Now... we needed to have a place to keep it. Just so you know, horses don't just hang around the porch like a dog or a cat. You actually have to fence them in. Fencing, I found out, is very expensive!

That started a trend, we then bought a pot-belly pig for Jake and rabbits for the girls. Now we had to have shelter for all these things!

Long story short, we spent most of the Christmas break building fencing and shelters for all the new animals. It was trial and error. Some things worked, some things didn't work... We had animals escaping out of cages and fences everywhere.

Hami, the pig, had to live inside the house for a few days. A pig... in the house! Ey-yi-yi!

The rabbits were inside in a laundry basket... we had to have a funeral for 2 of them on Christmas Day. Long story... don't ask!

And the horse... Oh the horse, we should have named her Houdini... she kept getting out of the fence and wandering over to neighbors. We didn't WANT to but we HAD to turn the electric fence on. Now ~Willow happily resides INSIDE the fence! Animals, like kids, just want us to establish boundaries. She was a quick learner...

So, that should bring you up to date on the farm.

We currently have: 3 dogs, 1 cat, 1 rabbit, 1 horse, 5 chickens and 1 pot-belly pig.

Oh, and we still have all 5 of the kids...we are still working on cages and fencing for them!

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